Dear Students,

We have thrilling news. This summer, His Holiness the 43rd Sakya Trizin, Gyana Vajra, will grace us with his presence in Vancouver. Amidst his packed schedule, he has generously offered to bestow the precious Hevajra Cause empowerment upon students who have not yet had the privilege of receiving it before.

As you may be aware, the Hevajra initiation from a qualified Sakya lama is a gateway to a world of transformative experiences. It paves the way for students to receive and practice many higher Tantric empowerments. The Vajrayogini blessing, for example, requires students to have received the Hevajra Cause empowerment as a pre-requisite to attend. This is a truly unique and special opportunity for us in the Vancouver area.

His Holiness is not imposing any daily sadhana practice commitments, you may recite the mantra.

Tentative schedule (time subject to change):

6 August: 7:00PM

7 August: 7:00PM (could potentially be earlier in the afternoon)

Important Note: 

Registration is closed. There is no onsite registration and space is limited. If you have not previously registered, you will not be admitted. Thank you for your kind understanding

1  This is a 2-day empowerment, you must attend BOTH days

2 This is an in-person event at our Richmond centre only. It will not be available on Zoom.

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